Allan Sekula
Allan Sekula
b. 1951 in Erie, PA, USA; d. 2013 in Los Angeles, CA, USA
Work in the exhibition
Waiting for Tear Gas, 1999–2000
Slide installation in 81 parts with wall text
Collection Fotomuseum Winterthur
See all installation views at higher resolution:
From the late 1970s onward, Allan Sekula influenced many artists and researchers with his combined photo and text works and theoretical writing. In autumn 1999, protests were being staged against the 3rd World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference also taking place in Seattle. Sekula photographed these protests and produced Waiting for Tear Gas (1999–2000), consisting of 81 slides and a short text, which will be shown at Parasophia. The photographic sequence, which rejects a journalistic photographic approach, is presented with an evocative sound accompanying each change of slide, capturing the slow and uncertain flow of time even within the framework of a protest with ostensibly clearly determined roles and positions.
Allan Sekula, Waiting for Tear Gas, 1999–2000. Collection Fotomuseum Winterthur. Installation view at Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art for Parasophia: Kyoto International Festival of Contemporary Culture 2015. Photo by Norimasa Kawata

May 07, 2015 18:00-
Allan Sekula & Noël Burch, The Forgotten Space, 2010
- Other
[Cinema Program] Participating Artists Showcase: Allan Sekula
Place: Film Theatre, The Museum of Kyoto

May 06, 2015 16:30-18:30
- Talk Event
[Talk Event] Parasophia Conversations 06: The Sekula Reader in Japan III—On the Crude Materia...
The Sekula Reader in Japan (Satoshi Bamba, Keisuke Kitano, Morihiro Satow, Osamu Maekawa)
Place: Parasophia Room, Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art

Nov 09, 2014 10:00-11:30
Co-presented by Parasophia
- Other
9th Research Presentation of the Association for Studies of Culture and Representation: Speci...
Shinji Kohmoto, Osamu Maekawa, Morihiro Satow, Keisuke Kitano
Place: Sakyukan (Niigata)

Nov 08, 2014 14:45-16:45
Co-presented by Parasophia
- Other
9th Research Presentation of the Association for Studies of Culture and Representation: Resea...
Osamu Maekawa, Morihiro Satow, Keisuke Kitano, Satoshi Bamba
Place: Niigata University